Due to HIPAA requirements and HSC Security Policies, communications between your home computer and the college network must be encrypted as they may contain PHI, passwords, or other sensitive data. A virtual Private Network or VPN can secure all of the traffic between your remote computer and the UF network.
The VPN client uses your myUFL (Gatorlink) username and password to authenticate you. It then creates a secure channel between your remote computer and the UF network, and routes all traffic to and from UF through that channel.
The preferred VPN to use for Health Science Center business is the HSC VPN. This VPN can install from your web browser. Macs, Windows, and Linux are all supported. Just point your web browser at https://net-services.ufl.edu/provided-services/vpn/clients/ and install the appropriate client for your OS (PC, Mac, or Linux).
When you launch the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for the first time, enter “vpn.health.ufl.edu” in the “connect to” box.
Further information and troubleshooting: https://connect.ufl.edu/it/wiki/Pages/glvpn-anyconnect-install.aspx