Individuals associated with the College of Public Health and Health Professions receive numerous services from the information technology (IT) group within the Dean’s Office. When an individual leaves the College, those services must be gracefully terminated with respect for the needs of the individual, the College, and the University of Florida. This document describes the termination policies for IT services of the College of PHHP and provides pointers to “moving services” provided by the College’s IT staff.
Each department chair should assign a staff member or members to take responsibility for interfacing with the IT department with regard to account creation and termination.
Access Revocation
Federal and State laws and University of Florida rules require that an individual’s access be revoked when he or she leaves the University. The individual’s department is responsible for submitting a request to the IT staff to revoke access to PHHP services. The IT staff must execute that request at the end of the individual’s affiliation with the College.
Rules & Restrictions
Use of UF and College computing facilities is subject to the University of Florida Acceptable Use Policy. The College has additional rules regarding the legitimate use of system accounts. Accounts may be suspended or terminated at the system manager’s discretion for violation of these rules.
- One User, One Account – Do not share your account or your password with another user. If an individual without a PHHP account needs access to the department network, the department’s account requester must fill out a new user account request form. Guest accounts are available for people not associated directly with the College.
- Piracy – Do not download or share copyrighted material without the consent of the copyright holder. This includes software, music (i.e. mp3s), and movies.
- Misuse/Abuse of Resources – the College computing facilities and IT staff are present to facilitate the College’s mission. Any excessive use outside the College mission is considered grounds for termination of the abuse and the account involved. If you have need for IT services for private use, the College IT staff will be happy to direct you to appropriate service providers.
Ownership of Data
Employees of the University should be aware that their work at the University of Florida is property of the University. Any arrangements to the contrary are between the individual, the departmental chair, the dean, UF legal Counsel, Student Affairs, and various review boards at the University. The safest assumption is the old adage “You can’t take it with you”. As such, exercise appropriate discretion when intermixing personal content with UF content.
Disposition of Data after Departure
It is the responsibility of the departing individual to identify what information resources they want to take with them when they leave.
The individual’s department is responsible for approving requests for data to be exported. The department has the right to refuse any requests.
It is the departing individual’s responsibility to identify what information resources they want to take with them.
The individual’s department is responsible for approving requests for data. The department has the right to refuse any and all requests.
If the individual needs assistance in executing their approved export request, the IT staff will provide that assistance within the limits of the policy defined here. The data transfer will be done in the most economical form possible for the College. The IT staff reserves the right to request resources from the department to execute large requests.
Email Forwards
Email forwarding is generally not available to departing individuals. See E-mail Forwarding Policy for more information.
Email History
The IT staff will utilize Outlook tools to export a users email archive to a portable format. Review of content for and removal of PHI and other restricted content will be performed by the department before it is delivered to the individual.
Email Address Books
Contacts / Address Books can also be exported by the IT staff. Contacts are provided in Personal Storage Table (pst) format files. These files are portable among all modern Outlook (2003/2007) clients.
Note: No departmental approval is required for the export of ones’ own address book.
File History
Once departmental approval has been recieved the IT staff will assist in downloading users’ local files and network content and preparing them for transport. At the IT staff’s discretion, data may be archived into an encrypted portable device or compressed into an encrypted archive format to simplify transport.
Requests for data from a network drive must be explicit. The IT staff reserves the right to reject any ambiguous request for network drive content. Departmental staff approving network drive requests should be careful reviewing network drive requests to avoid inadvertent transfers of PHI or University data not approved for transfer.
Inter-departmental Transfer
Individuals changing departments within the College of PHHP will continue to utilize their existing Gatorlink account for College resource access.. The affiliated department is responsible for submitting a request to the IT staff to have the account modified.
IT staff will revoke all departmental membership and rights related to the individual’s former department unless instructed otherwise by the former department.
Collaboration with PHHP after Termination
It is at the departments’ descretion to judge what access an individual will have after leaving the College. PHHP IT staff will terminate an account once a termination request has been recieved unless special instructions are communicated in writing to not do so by the department.
IT staff reserves the right to reduce Gatorlink account access to the minimum necessary level of service to reduce the College’s liability.