PHHP Network Storage

The college has network storage available on several drives that we add automatically to college-managed Windows computers, including the Terminal Server. These are the drives lettered H:\, I:\, P:\, and S:\ that you can find in File Explorer under your local C: drive. All of these drives are backed up at least daily, and previous versions of files can be recovered if something is saved over or deleted. Here is a breakdown of what they are used for:


This is your personal network storage. Files saved to this drive are only accessible to you. This is for works-in-progress or personal items that don’t belong in a shared folder. The “Documents” folder in Quick Access is automatically redirected to H:\My Documents so that it is backed up to the network.


This is your personal web space. Files saved to this drive are accessible to the web at “”, where GLID is your gatorlink username. This is openly available to the internet with no login needed, so be very careful not to put any protected data in this folder.


This is a drive that contains program installers. They still require administrative access to use, so this is for IT use only.


This is Lab & Group Network Storage. Shared folders for research labs and other projects go here. If you are a member of several groups, each group’s folder will show up separately in this drive. If it appears empty, you may need to have your PI or HR representative request some access for you.


This is Shared Network Storage. This is used for departmental and administrative purposes, although there is some crossover with the P:\ drive. Again, if you need access to something that should be in this drive, have your PI or HR request that access for you.

If you are on a PHHP Windows computer, or using one of our terminal servers, these drives will be automatically added for you. If you are using a Mac, seeĀ Connecting to Network Storage from a Mac.

PHHP IT Information

Hours: 7:30am – 5pm Monday – Friday

Phone: 352.273.6200


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