To facilitate College business and maintain the quality of the College’s public web pages each department within the College of Public Health and Health Professions is required to keep a current, full curriculum vitae (CV) for each faculty member in that department.
Implementation Overview
To facilitate the College CV policy, the College of Public Health and Health Professions Information Technology (IT) staff has written this brief specification and set of procedures for the faculty and the departmental staff responsible for the keeping current CVs available to the web server.
Each faculty member is responsible for maintaining a current CV in their UF Health Directory Profile , preferably in PDF format. Prior to uploading a CV, PHHP IT recommends using the University provided SensusAccess tool to covert it to the most accessible format possible.
College webmasters and other authors of web content will be able to find CVs in a standard location for linking into any document that requires a reference to a CV.
Procedures for Faculty
Generating a PDF version of a CV for presentation on the web is very simple. Anyone who can open, print and save a document can do it.
To generate the PDF version of your CV open your CV in your Word Processor (MS Word, most likely), and from the menus choose File, Save As, and choose “PDF” as the format. Give the file a reasonable name, and click OK.
You will need to repeat these steps each time you make updates to your CV to keep the PDF version current.
Procedures for Webmasters and Other Web Page Authors
If they have followed the procedures outlined above, each faculty member’s CV will be accessible via Profile blocks in the Apolo2 theme, or via direct URL https://directory.ufhealth.org/<NAME SLUG>/files/cv. For backwards compatibility, weekly, PHHP IT will hiperlink the old College CV URL, http://www.phhp.ufl.edu/~username/cv.pdf, to the new location in the UFHealth Directory. Please use the New UFHealth URL anytime you need to link to an official copy of a faculty member’s CV.
If you notice the link is broken, please take a pro-active approach to problem solving and send a brief email to the faculty member informing them of the problem and providing the URL to this document. Please also CC support@phhp.ufl.edu to help the technical staff anticipate questions and problems the faculty member might have in creating the PDF version of their CV.